Moqi I7 Retro Hand Held Games Console / Emulator Android Phone (dual Sim)
- December 20, 2020
- moqi
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Emulators i have used successfully include. Gameboy advance Gameboy Virtual boy Dreamcast Nintendo DS Mame Nintendo 64 Super Nintendo PlayStation Mega Drive Master system. There are some other more modern consoles I have attempted to emulate but these aren’t really suitable performance wise. Gamecube being one of these (I only tried Burnout 2) which didnt run too well, but youtubers seem to be running GC rather well (as demonstrated in Taki Udon’s review linked below). I would highly recommend looking on youtube for reviews on the device (and it’s emulation ability) by Taki Udon and Wicked Gamer and Collector (I will attempt to link these here). If you have any …..