Rasberry Pi 3B+ Retro Arcade Games Emulator 200GB That’s 12000+ Games
- June 2, 2020
- rasberry
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Rasberry Pi 3b+ retro arcade games emulator supplied complete with USB wired controller, HDMI cable, ethernet cable (for internet) and genuine Rasberry Pi power supply. The Rasberry Pi3b+ has both Wifi and Bluetooth built-in if needed. The emulator is a staggering 200GB (256GB card installed), fully loaded with over 12000 retro arcade games ranging from all the classic arcade games and retro computing including Nintendo (inc DS), Gameboy, Gameboy Advance, Sega, Sinclaire ZX Spectrum, Atari, Amega, plus the essential Arcade games which we spent a small fortune on trying to get to the end. This is the ultimate package!! – see pictures for more detail. See below list of game …..